Internet Archive's TV News Archive provides free access to more than a million closed captioned clips from TV news shows dating back to 2009, with options to filter by network, show, or date range.
A streaming service for videos from major educational film producers and distributors.
On this page, you will find links to online sources for newspapers, magazines, and other media sources, both current and historical. Some of these resources are freely available for all, while others are accessible through the BGSU Library's database subscriptions if you are signed in with your NetID. You can navigate to sub-pages featuring resources specifically about the diverse groups covered in your class on the navigation bar on the left of this page.
The database formerly named LexisNexis Academic is now called Nexis Uni! Contains full-text newspapers, business information, and legal publications, including current news, company profiles, industry information, and federal and state laws and legislation.
1980s to present
An online newspaper resource that includes international, national and regional papers such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Washington Post, The Guardian, El Norte, Jerusalem Post, and South China Morning Post.
The full text of hundreds of American magazines, journals, and newspapers published between 1741 and 1900.
Coverage: 1741-1900
Search and view the full text of hundreds of digitized historical newspapers from 42 states, with titles dating from 1789-1963, provided free by the Library of Congress.
The Accessible Archives collection within History Commons includes text primary sources from 18th and 19th century America, mainly newspapers, including the Pennsylvania Gazette, the Virginia Gazette, Godey's Lady's Book, Frederick Douglass Paper, a collection of South Carolina Newspapers, and a collection of African American newspapers
Searchable full text for hundreds of historical newspapers published in Ohio between 1800-2010. Search or browse 19th and 20th century Ohio newspapers and view full-page pdf images.
Coverage: 1800-2010
The entire contents of the New York Times from 1851 to three years ago.
Combined catalog to the collections of hundreds of Ohio museums, historical societies, libraries, and archives, bringing together thousands of primary source materials including historical periodicals, cultural objects, documents, photographs, and archival records.
This platform covers Bowling Green area newspapers from 1867 to 1958 with complete coverage of the Bradner Advocate and the Risingsun Unique Weekly. To view the complete newspaper collection on microfilm, visit the Local History Collection at the Wood County District Public Library in person.
The full text of hundreds of American magazines, journals, and newspapers published between 1741 and 1900.
Coverage: 1741-1900
The electronic version of of the popular magazine Harper's Weekly from the Civil War and Reconstruction eras, 1857-1871.
Designed for public libraries, this database contains full text for popular magazines, reference works, and travel books.
Index to articles published in the popular press between 1890 and 1982 from hundreds of magazines like Collier's, Harper's, The New Republic, Popular Science, and The Saturday Evening Post.
Certain journals may carry additional restrictions; please check copyright statements that appear with full text.
A complete, searchable archive of American Vogue, from the first issue in 1892 to the current month. Includes every article, cover, photo shoot, illustration and advertisement, with rich indexing enabling users to find images by designer and brand names.
Coverage: 1892 to present