A company website provides a wealth of information for company research:
> Look for links labeled "About Us" or "About the Company" or "Investor Information"
When is relying on a company website NOT a good idea for company research?
Company, industry and country information for US and global business. Includes in-depth analyst reports and statistics.
An online database of Standard & Poor's publications related to financial markets and investing. If you experience a "Bad Request" error, clear your cache and/or try a different browser.
The database formerly named LexisNexis Academic is now called Nexis Uni! Contains full-text newspapers, business information, and legal publications, including current news, company profiles, industry information, and federal and state laws and legislation.
1980s to present
Indexing and full text news from hundreds of business news sources across the globe.
Offers reports on over 100,000 companies from all over the world. Company reports vary in size and content, but many are quite extensive and include Key Competitors, a SWOT Analysis, Company Histories, and key employees and biographies.
Select Company Profiles from the search box drop down menu and then type in the name of your company and press search. From the results, click on your company and use the navigation bar on the left to find the company profile, financials, news, research reports, and SWOT analysis.
Contains a wealth of company information from a variety of sources (MarketLine, Hoover's, and more), but it can be challenging to locate it all.
Start your search for company information in the Company Dossier. You can find the Company Dossier by clicking on the array of dots next to Nexis Uni, then selecting Company Dossier (as shown in the screenshot below). This will bring you to the "Find a Company" tab. From here, you can search for a company by company name, ticker symbol, DUNS number, dossier ID, or KVK number.
Once you locate your company's dossier, you can explore a vast amount of information using the tabs on the left navigator bar, including brands, competitors, company history, news, a financial overview, industry overview, investment research, trademarks, and legal case.