This LibGuide gathers a variety of sources you may want to use when completing assignments and research projects related to this course.
Materials in this LibGuide will be updated periodically. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an individual research appointment, feel free to contact me. My contact information is available in the right-hand column.
Curriculum Resource Center
2nd Floor of Jerome Library
Make an individual research appointment with a Librarian
Visit the CRC website
All call numbers used in the Curriculum Resource Center are preceded by a locator tool.
The locator tool indicates where in the collection the material appears.
See the map of the CRC to find the following common locators:
JUV • Juvenile books (fiction, nonfiction, and biography)
CURR • Curriculum (textbooks, activity books)
CURR REF ~ CRC Reference (in house use only)
CURR TA • Teaching Aids
JUV DISNEY • Disney Collection