Thousands of full text books published by Wiley, covering many subjects, with a focus on STEM.
BGSU Libraries subscribe to significant e-book collections within the field of business. Search for e-books along with print publications in the BGSU Libraries Catalog. or in Summon both available from the search box on the library home page.
Looking for e-books? Summon is the best place to go! After entering a search, limit your results to Full Text Online and Book / eBook.
Visit the EBooks LibGuide for more information on accessing and using the electronic book collections available through the BGSU Libraries. It provides tips for navigating and downloading ebook content from the various ebook database platforms.
If you are new to BGSU or haven't used University Libraries in a while, it would be a good idea to confirm that your library account is up-to-date! A current account is needed to request items through the OhioLINK catalog or to borrow items within the BGSU Libraries or other institutions.
Try logging in to My Library Account and checking the expiration date. If you need assistance, contact the Circulation Desk by phone 419-372-2051 or via email or chat.