Are you having problems linking to full text?
Take a look at our Troubleshooting LibGuide for help with login and other problems.
Are you having trouble accessing a library resource? Try the following:
If you are having problems accessing library resources, contact the Information Desk.
For a link to work from off campus, it has to be proxied. Proxied links contain "ezproxy" and will prompt you to log in.
To proxy any link, add this to the beginning of a url:
Unproxied link to JSTOR:
(will not work from off campus)
Proxied link to JSTOR:
(will work off campus)
Switch proxies
You can “re-proxy” many EZProxy links to use our other proxy server.
First, remove the EZProxy prepend, in bolded blue in the following url:
Add a “0-“ (zero dash) and “” (dot maurice dot bgsu dot edu) to the remaining url (in bolded blue on the following):
Do you need help accessing full text article?
Use our Journal Finder Title List or our Article Look Up for Citations to see if it is available from another source.
For example, if you want the article: What Can We Learn About Native American Culture Using Art and Conversations?" by Maria de la Luz Leade in Art Education Volume 74, Issue 1, pages 46-52, 2021
1) You can search for a specific journal in the Journal Title List to see which databases have full text.
2) Use our Article Look Up for Citations page and fill in the information about the article:
Note: The Journal Title List will also tell you if we have the journal in print or microfilm.
Some library resources will function better from one browser to the next, so if you continue to run into access issue with a library resource, it may be helpful to try using the resource from a different browser.
Login errors can get saved in your cache even if they are just temporary. Many login errors are resolved by trying a different browser. If you can't use a different browser, try clearing your cache and search history.
To find the Alternate Access Link for other databases, go to the All Databases list (on our homepage under the search box).
Find the database you want in the list and click the "more" link underneath the description to show the Alternate Access Link.
Sometimes, a link on our website may take you to the description of a database.
If you are able to log in using an alternate access link but are unable to log in to EZProxy, a firewall in your network may be blocking EZProxy. This most frequently happens in:
If you cannot log in to EZProxy, try to find and use the alternate access link. Here are alternate access links for Summon & EBSCO:
Two Factor Authentication
BGSU uses Two Factor Authentication to access some BGSU provided software and library databases. This means when accessing a library resource, you may be prompted to input your BGSU username and password, and then complete the DUO authentication process. Whenever DUP authentication is necessary to access a library resource, you will be prompted with a screen that looks similar to this:
If you are using a personal device, you can select the "Remember me for 30 days" option to avoid extra authentication for a month.
For more information about setting up DUO Authentication, visit the ITS Instructions for Setting Up Duo App.
If you are experiencing issues with your BGSU account, please contact ITS on the ITS Website or by phone: 419.372.0999
User Limits
Some databases require you to set up a special account to use the database or certain features. Others are limited to just a few or only one user at a time. Some of these resources include: JSTOR, Intelliconnect (CCH), SciFinder, and Naxos, among others. Use the All Databases list to check for special access notes about the resource you are trying to use.
Likewise, some of our eBooks are limited to just a few or only one user at a time. You will find notes about this in the catalog, next to the url for each book.