Also known as "scholarly articles," "peer-reviewed articles," "academic articles," or "research articles," journal articles are:
The most common tools used to find journal articles are databases. BGSU Libraries provides access to more than 300 databases from a variety of publishers and aggregators. It is important to note:
The EBSCO suite of databases linked below is a good place to start.
Click on the "access options" box. If you don't see "PDF" or "online full text" options, use the "Find it" link. One of the following scenarios may happen after clicking on "Find it"; the link will:
This database provides a detailed index and full text of scholarly articles in nursing and allied health literature, including biomedicine and consumer health, scholarly journals, evidence-based practice guidelines, and other publications. Additional materials include full-text evidence-based care sheets, quick lessons, health care books, nursing dissertations, selected conference proceedings, and continuing education modules.
Full text for hundreds of scholarly journals focusing on many medical disciplines, with a particular focus on nursing and allied health.
Index to scholarly journal articles on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and more.
The premier index to journal articles and other scholarly publications in the field of psychology.
APA PsycNET is a search platform designed specifically to deliver American Psychological Association content, enabling users to efficiently search and discover behavioral science related material with engineered cross-database searching. The platform features full integration of APA's precise indexing with the controlled vocabulary of the Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms.
Indexing and abstracts for articles in social work and human services journals.
Index to scholarly publications in sociology, covering topics such as criminal justice, marriage and family, social work, substance abuse, and violence.
Index to articles in scholarly journals and conference proceedings from all fields of study, plus the ability to search these articles' bibliographies by cited author or work. Links to full text are included where possible.