Covers documents on the Indians of North America by the United States Office of Indian Affairs from 1824-1949. Located Main Gov. Docs Microforms: gdoc I 20.1:
Bulletin/Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology: Series of reports on culture and anthropology of Indians of North and South America. Indexed in Bulletin 200. c1938- gdoc SI 2.3:
Coverage of Federal publications, including congressional, presidential, agency, and judicial materials. Shelved in the Gov Docs Index area. Ref. Z1223.A1 K36 (2Volmes) c1977
15 Volumes covering federal publications, including congressional, presidential, agency, and judicial materials. Shelved in the Gov Docs. Index Area. Ref Z 1223 .A1973x c1975
v. 1 Laws to 12/1/1902, v.2. Treaties, v.3 Laws to 12/1/1913, v.4. Laws to 3/4/1927, v.5 Laws from 12/22/1927 to 6/29/1938. c1975. gdoc Y4. In 2/2: L44/v