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Internet Sites with Primary Sources for History: Asia
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Web Sites With Primary Sources about Asia
The "Second" Korean War, 1967-1969
1988 Seoul Olympic Games
Abdul Hamid II Collection
Photographs from the Ottoman Empire 1880-1893
Afghanistan: The Arthur Paul Afghanistan Collection at the University of Nebraska-Omaha
Afghanistan Digital Library
American Colony in Jerusalem, 1870-2006
American Occupation of Japan, Voices of the Key Participants
Anglo-Indian Legal History
Anna V. Blough Missionary Letters and Diaries from China (Elizabethtown College)
Armenian National Institute
Asia and the Eastern Pacific Rim in Early Prints and Photographs
Asia for Educators
Asian Maps Collection (U. of Southern California)
Asian Peoples' Anti-Communist League
Bandung Conference, 1955
Beauty and Darkness: Cambodia in Modern History
Beijing Through Sidney Gamble's Camera
Bin Laden's Bookshelf
Birth of the Constitution of Japan
Block Prints of the Chinese Revolution
Botanical and Cultural Images of Eastern Asia, 1907-1927
British Empire Studies, Far East (Law Library Microform Consortium)
CAESAR, POLO, and ESAU Papers (Russia & China) (U.S. CIA)
Cambodian Genocide Program
Carrie Eurasia Collection
Centre of South Asia (Cambrige U.) Oral History Collection
Children and Youth in History: Primary Sources by Region: East Asia
Children and Youth in History: Primary Sources by Region: South/Southeast Asia
Children and Youth in History: Primary Sources by Regiona: MIddle East/North Africa
China's Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976
China's Foreign Aid
China's Great Leap Forward, 1958-1961
China, 1989
China-East Europe Relations
China-Europe Relations
China-North Korea Relations
China-Southeast Asia Relations
China-Western Europe Relations
China and Africa
China and Latin America and the Caribbean
China and South Asia
China and the Korean War
China and the Middle East/ North Africa
China and the Soviet Union in Xinjiang, 1934-1949
China at the United Nations
China Collection (U.S. CIA)
Chinese Civil War, 1945-1950
Chinese Cultural Revolution Posters
Chinese Digital Archive 1966-1976
Chinese Foreign Policy Document Database
Chinese Nuclear History
Chinese Nuclear Testing
Chinese Pamphlets
Chinese Posters 1925 - Present
Chronicle of the China Trade: The Records of Augustine Heard & Co., 1840-1877
Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi
Colonial Film Database
Conversations with Kim Il Sung
Conversations with Mao Zedong
Conversations with Zhou Enlai
Cornell Modern Indonesia Collection
Cuneiform tablets
Demise of Detente in Korea, 1973-1975
Depicting the Sri Lankan Vernacular
Digital Dead Sea Scrolls
Digital South Asia Library
Digitized Afghanistan Materials in English from the Arthur Paul Afghanistan Collection
Digitized Arabic Materials
Documentation Center of Cambodia Archives
Documents in Russian History
East Asia Image Collections (Lafayette College)
East Asian Collection
East Asian History Sourcebook
Eliasef Robinson Tel Aviv Collection
Emir Farid Chehab Collection
Ex-EAS: Primary Sources
Faces of Tientsin, 1946
Foundations of Chinese Foreign Policy
Friedrich Carl Peetz Photographs (Boxer Rebellion)
Gate of Heavenly Peace (Tianenmen)
Gertrude Bell Archive (traveller to the Middle East)
Grassroots Feminist Political Posters in India
Resources on the ancient Indus or Harappan Civilization (3500-1700 BCE).
Hart Collection - Diaries
Diaries of Sir Robert Hart, a British consular officer. They cover 1854-1908.
Harvard Iranian Oral History Project
Hedda Morrison Photographs of China, 1933-1946
Hiroshima Peace Site
Historical Photographs of China
Holy Land Collections
Hugh Deane Collections
English language pamphlets about China from the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s
Images of Colonialism
Images of Okinawa After World War II
Imperial Gazeteer of India (1909)
India and Pakistan - On the Nuclear Threshold
Indian Memory Project
Indian Nuclear History
Indochinese War
Indonesia/East Timor Documentation Project
Intelligence and the Camp David Accords
Inter-Korean Competition, 1961-1970
Inter-Korean Dialogue, 1971-1972
Inter-Korean Dialogue, 1977-1980
Inter-Korean Relations
Inter-Korean Relations After the War, 1954-1961
Interkit, 1966-1987
International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online
Internet East Asian History Sourcebook
Interviews by Avner Cohen (about the Israeli nuclear program)
Iran-Iraq War
Iran Soviet Relations
Iraqi Jewish Archives
Islamic Heritage Project
Israeli Nuclear History
Japan and the Korean Peninsula
Japan Center for Asian Historical Records
Japanese Historical Text Iniative
Japanese Maps of the Tokugawa Era
Japanese Nuclear History
Japanese Old Photographs in Bakumatsu-Meiji Period
John Thomson's Illustrations of China and Its People, 1873-1874
King-Crane Commission (American Section of the Inter-Allied Commission on Mandates in Turkey)
Korea at the United Nations
Korean Digital Archive
Korean Independence Outbreak Movement
Korean Workers' Party Congresses
Letters from Abbottabad: Bin Ladin Sidelined?
Ling Long Women's Magazine, Shanghai, 1931 to 1937
Local Nationalism in Xinjiang, 1957-1958
Making of the Sino-Soviet Alliance, 1950-1953
Mao Zedong Internet Archive
Matson (G. Eric and Edith) Photograph Collection [Middle East]
Medical History of British India
Middle East 1916-2001: A Documentary Record
Middle Eastern Posters Collections 1970s-1990s
Middle East in Early Prints & Photographs
Military Legal Sources
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
Modern Japan in Archives: Political History from the Opening of the Country to Post-War
Morning Sun: A Film and Website About Cultural Revolution
Nagasaki Journey: The Photographs of Yosuke Yamahata
National Archives of Japan Digital Archive
National Diet Library of Japan
National Digital Library of India
National Security Archive U.S. - Japan Project: Diplomatic, Security, and Economic Relations Since 1960
Nixon Administration and the Indian Nuclear Program, 1972-1974
Non-Aligned Movement
North Korea's 1st Five-Year Plan,1957-1961
North Korea and the American Radical Left
North Korea August 1956 Plenum Incident
North Korea International Documentation Project
North Korean Military Adventurism
North Korean Nuclear History
North Korean Propaganda Posters
North Korean Public Diplomacy
North Limit Line Dispute (Korea)
North Vietnamese Decision-Making, 1973-1975
Opium in Asia
Opium in Asia (images)
Osama Bin Laden Documents (CNN)
The Overseas Chinese and the Cold War
Pacific Rim Archive (1840s-1940s)
U.S. involvement with East Asia
Pakistani Nuclear History
Palestinian Poster Project Archives
Pedro Loureiro Collection
Resources about conditions in East Asia in the 1920s and 1930s
Perry in Japan: A Visual History
Photographs of Indonesia
Picturesque Palestine, Sinai and Egypt
Poetry and Prayer: Islamic Manuscripts from the Walters
Porta: National Diet Library Digital Archive Portal (Japan)
Princeton Digital Library of Islamic Manuscripts
Propylaeum: The Virtual Library of Classical Studies
Purges in 1950s China
Qatar Digital Library
Recognition of the State of Israel
Reform and Opening in China, 1978-
Repatriation to North Korea
Rev. Claude L. Pickens, Jr. Collection on Muslims in China
Robert Henry Chandless Photographs of China 1898-1908
Russian Posters
Ryukyu-Okinawa History and Culture Website: Archive
Rūznāmah-ʼi rasmī-i kishvar-i Shāhanshāhī-i Īrān 1970-1994
Official gazette of Iran
Saddam Hussein's Iraq
Saddam Hussein Sourcebook (National Security Archive)
Sea of Korea Maps
The Second Asian African Conference
Selections from the Naxi Manuscript Collection
September 11 Sourcebooks
Seventy-two Specimens of Castes in India
Shackford Collection of Photographs of China (1920s-1930s)
Sino-American Confrontation, 1949-1971
Sino-American Cooperation, 1972-1989
Sino-French Normalization, 1964
Sino-Indian Border War, 1962
Sino-Japanese Normalization, 1972
Sino-Japanese Relations
Sino-Soviet Alliance, 1950-1959
Sino-Soviet Border Conflict, 1969
Sino-Soviet Rapprochement, 1985-1989
Sino-Soviet Relations
Sino-Soviet Split, 1960-1984
Sino-US Ambassadorial Talks, 1955-1970
Sino-Vietnamese War, 1979
The Six-Day War
South Asian Legal History Resources
Southeast Asia Digital Library
Southeast Asia in the Ming Shi-lu
South East Asia Posters
Southeast Asia Visions (pre-modern era travel accounts)
South Korean Dipilomacy in Asia, 1955-1957
South Korean Nuclear History
South Seas: Voyaging and Cross-Cultural Encounters in the Pacific, 1760-1800
Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan
Soviet Union - North Korea Relations
Spanish-American War in Motion Pictures (includes Phillippine Revolution
Syngman Rhee Era (Korea)
Taiwan's Cold War in Southeast Asia
Taiwan Documents Project
Taiwan Strait Crises
Tiananmen Square, 1989
Tibet: From the Collections of the American Geographical Society Library
Tibet Album: British Photography in Central Tibet, 1920-1950
TIMEA: Travelers in the Middle East Archive
Tourist's Album of Japan (1909)
The Two Koreas and the Third World
The Two Koreas and the Vietnam War
U.S. - Japan Relations Declassified
U.S. Army in Post-World War II Japan, 1945-1952
United Nations Information System on the Question of Palistine
United States, China, and the Bomb (National Security Archive)
United States - North Korea Relations
The United States and Its Territories: 1870-1925: The Age of Imperialism
USS Pueblo Crisis
Historical Photographs of China 1850-1950
Voice of Hibakusha: Eye-Witness Accounts of the Bombing of Hiroshima
Willard Dickerman Straight and Early U.S.-Korea Diplomatic Relations
Women's Worlds in Qajar Iran (1796-1925)
The World and Japan
World of 1898: The Spanish American War
The Yi-Ta Incident, 1962
Historical Asian Newspapers
Free historical newspapers from Asia are listed on:
Historical Newspapers Online: Asia
Korean War
Baptism by Fire: CIA Analysis of the Korean War
Coffee, Doughnuts and a Witty Line of Chatter: The Photos and Letters of Helen Stevenson Meyner in Japan and Korea, 1950-1952
Cold War International History Project: Korean War, 1950-1953
Eagle Forward: Newspaper of the 24th Infantry Regiment, Korea, 1950-1951
Forgotten: The Arkansas Korean War Project
Korea (Oral Interviews)
Korean Digital Archive: Martin J. Bolhower Collection
Korean War, 1950-1953
Korean War and Its Origins (Truman Presidential Library)
Korean War Armistice
Korean War Atrocities (Congressional hearing)
Korean War Biological Warfare Allegations
Korean War Educator
Korean War Origins, 1945-1950
Korean War Propaganda Leaflet Collection
Korean War Propaganda Leaflets
Korean War Records (National Archives)
Korean War Veterans of Mount Horeb (Wisconsin)
Our Military Heritage: Korean War
Rutgers Oral History Archives: Korean War Index
Voces Oral History Project: Giving Voice to the American Latino Experience
Vietnam War
Air America: Upholding the Airmen's Bond
American Prisoners of War in Southeast Asia, 1970 (Congressional hearing)
Australia's Vietnam War
Best of History Web Sites: U.S. History: Vietnam
Betty H. Carter Women Veterans Historical Project: Vietnam
CIA's Vietnam Histories
Documents Relating to American Foreign Policy: Vietnam
GI Press Collection, 1964-1977
Gulf of Tonkin (U.S. NSA)
Gulf of Tonkin Incident, 40 Years Later
My Lai Courts-Martial 1970
Peers Inquiry: Report of the Department of the Army Review of the Preliminary Investigation into the My Lai Incident
Pentagon Papers
Veterans History Project: Vietnam War
Veterans of the Vietnam Era Oral History Project (Utah Valley University)
Vietnam (oral interviews) (University of Tennessee Knoxville)
Vietnam Center and Sam Johnson Vietnam Archive
Vietnam Collection (U.S. CIA)
Vietnam Collection (WGBH)
Vietnam Conflict (Naval Postgraduate School)
Vietnam Era Prisoner-of-War/Missing--Action Database
Vietnam Era Veterans Oral Histories (Ball State University)
Vietnamese Conflict 1961-1975 (Indiana Historical Society)
Vietnam Powwow: The Vietnam War as Remembered by Native American Veterans
Vietnam Studies (series) (U.S. Army Center of Military History)
Vietnam War (Wilson Center Digital Archive)
Vietnam War - Stephen H. Warner Collection (photographs)
Vietnam War Websources
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