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Internet Sites with Primary Sources for History: Africa
A series of pages with links to Internet sites that include historical primary sources.
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Web Sites With Primary Sources
16th - Early 20th Century Maps of Africa
1913 Land Act 1912-1993 [South Africa]
Africa Focus: Sights and Sounds of a Continent
African Activist Archive Project
African Online Digital Library
African Studies Collections (University of Florida)
Africa Through a Lens
al-Ghāzītah al-Sūdānīyah = The Sudan gazette 1969-1985
Aldin Grout Papers, 1833-2002 (bulk 1833-1894)
One of the first American missionaries to the Zulu nation
Art of African Exploration
Bandung Conference, 1955
Battle of Adwa 1896
Boletim da república: publicac̦ão oficial da República popular de Moc̦ambique 1975-1988, 2006-2016
Boycott Apartheid May 1959 [South Africa]
British Empire Studies, Africa (Law Library Microform Consortium)
Children and Youth in History: Primary Sources by Region: Africa
Children and Youth in History: Primary Sources by Region: Middle East/North Africa
China and Africa
China and the Middle East/North Africa
Colonial Film Database
Community Video Education Trust (Republic of South Africa -- 1980's-1990's)
Cuba and Southern Africa
Detention Without Trial in John Vorster Square 1968-1997 [South Africa]
Digital Innovation South Africa
Djibril Tamsir Niane Audiorecordings (Guinea)
Duke Papyrus Archive
Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Images of Egypt
Emerging Nationalism in Portuguese Africa 1959-1965
Ethiopian Posters
First Post-Apartheid Elections Apr 26, 1994
G.I. Jones Photographic Archives of Southeastern Nigerian Art and Culture
Genocide Archive of Rwanda
Griffith Institute (Oxford University)
Resources on ancient Egypt and the Near East.
H. K. Banda Archive, 1924-2005
Former Life President of Malawi
Heart of Hope: South Africa's Transition from Apartheid to Democracy
Horn of Africa Crisis
Humphrey Winterton Collection of East African Photographs: 1860-1960
Images of Colonialism
Immanuel Wallerstein collection of African liberation movement posters, [196-]-[199-] (inclusive), 1964-1984 (bulk).
Intellligence and the Camp David Accords
Internet African History Sourcebook
Journal Officiel de la Republique du Congo 1958-1969
Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard) 1911-2012
Kwame Nkrumah Digital Information Site
Liberian Collections (Indiana University)
Liberian Law
Liberian Letters
Livingstone's 1871 Field Diary
Livingstone Online: The Words of Explorer David Livingstone
Maps of Liberia: 1830-1870
Middle East in Early Prints and Photographs
Nelson Mandela Foundation
Nile Notes of a Hawadji: American Travelers in Egypt
Official Gazette of the United Kingdom of Libya 1951-1956
Posters from the Melville J. Herskovits Library of African Studies
Recueil des actes administratifs de la Délégation générale du gouvernement en Algérie 1958-1959
Second Asian-African Conference (1964-1965)
Sharpeville Massacre Mar. 20, 1960 [South Africa]
Sierra Leone
The Six-Day War
Somaliland Protectorate Gazette 1956-1989
South Africa: Overcoming Apartheid, Building Democracy
South African Film and Video Project
South African Nuclear History
The Soviet Union in the Horn of Africa
TIMEA: Travelers in the Middle East Archive
Traces of Truth: Documents Relating to the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Treason Trial 1955-1960 [South Africa]
West African Online Digital Library
William V. S. Tubman Papers 1904-1992 (President of Liberia)
Zimbabwe: Government Gazette 1957-1980
Historical African Newspapers on the Internet
Historical Newspapers Online: Africa
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