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MUCT 2360: Music Cultures of Central Asia

Research guide to help students complete assignments for MUCT 2360

Find sound recordings

The recording labels Nonesuch and Smithsonian Folkways (sometimes just called "Folkways") publish quality collections of recordings from many world areas, including the Central Asia, that usually come with detailed liner notes and sometimes transcriptions of songs.

To find recordings like these, do a keyword search in the library catalog for a genre, place, or instrument and then include either Nonesuch or Folkways as an additional term, like the model search linked below:

Tibet and Folkways

If your search results include vinyl LPs that you'd like to listen to (the call numbers will start with "12/33"), please contact Dave Lewis the sound archivist before coming to the music library so the materials can be ready. His contact information is to the left of this box. If you only want to use the liner notes, you can access those without an appointment.

Global Jukebox

The Global Jukebox, a digital database maintained by the Association for Cultural Equity, contains some field recordings from Central Asia.


Smithsonian Folkways also offers playlists of world and folk music.

Selected Sound Recordings from Central Asia

These sound recordings represent some of the music from Central Asia available at the Music Library.