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Media and Communication Graduate Courses: Publishing/Metrics

Information Research Resources for Graduate Students in Media and Communication

Predatory Journals

Although no longer maintained,  Beall's List of Potential Predatory Journals included the following from the discipline of Communication:

Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies

Where to Publish?

Understanding Journal Impact Factors

Researcher Metrics from Google Scholar

publish or perish  

Publish or Perish is a free downloadable program developed by Anne-WIl Harzing that provides author-level metrics, using Google Scholar citation data. It is designed to help research academics to present their case for research impact.  Publish or Perish calculates several citation metrics.

To generate metrics for your publications in Publish or Perish,

  1. Download the program from
  2. Select author impact analysis from the left hand sidebar.
  3. Refine your search. Deselect any subject areas that are not related to your publication history and add years of publication.
  4. Enter your first initial and last name in quotes.  Sample: "J Doom" 
  5. Select "Lookup".
  6. Refine your results by deselecting publications not authored by you. 
  7. All available metrics will appear at the top of the results screen.


Journal Rankings/Metrics