If the book you are searching for is unavailable at BGSU because we do not own it or it is checked out - don't despair. We have other options available.
Search for books, periodicals, electronic resources and other items in the 100+ OhioLINK member libraries.
WorldCat contains catalog records, locations, and library borrowing information for books, journals, videos, sound recordings, archival materials and more owned by millions of libraries all over the world.
Freely Available Version
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A digital archive for the collections of major American research libraries. Includes records for millions of items, many of which can be searched full text.
Thousands of full-text electronic books, particularly classic works of Western literature, and reference books.
Remember: if you are stuck or just don't know where to start - you can make an individual research appointment with a reference librarian for help.
There are several ways to get books at the library and the best place to start is the library catalog.
Books give you more in-depth background than encyclopedias and dictionaries. Use library catalogs to find titles on your topic.
BGSU Libraries Catalog
Start with the BGSU Libraries Catalog to search for items owned by the BGSU Libraries. Items in the catalog include books, journal titles, newspapers, government documents, sound recordings and more. If your aren't finding what you want in the catalog, ask a library staff member for help.
Subject Headings include:
Word Searches:
Reference books provide background information to help you put your research in context. They include encyclopedias, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc. Below are just a few reference books we have on Native Americans in the Jerome Library.