govinfo provides free public access to official publications from all three branches of the Federal Government, with comprehensive advanced search and browse options. Some things you can find in govinfo include: Budget of the United States, Commerce Business Daily, Congressional Directory, Congressional Record, Economic Indicators, Economic Report of the President, Government Accountability Office Reports, U.S. Government Manual, and the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents.
ProQuest Congressional is a comprehensive database that searches across current and historical documents of the United States Congress, many of which are included in full text. It includes the U.S. Serial Set (the published working papers of Congress), Congressional Hearings, the Congressional Record (through 1997) and hundreds of thousands of House and Senate reports, State of the Union messages, Congressional journals, hearings, high-resolution maps, and more.
Access has recently been expanded to include ProQuest Congressional Hearings Digital Collection Historical Archive Parts B and C (1980-2010), ProQuest Congressional Record Permanent Digital Collection, and ProQuest U.S. Serial Set 2 Parts G, H, and I.
Northern Ireland Official Publications Archive (NIOPA) The Archive contains publications produced by Northern Ireland government departments, agencies, and related official bodies.
NISRA is the principal source of official statistics and social research on Northern Ireland. These statistics and research inform public policy and associated debate in the wider society.
The database is a reference tool providing peacemaking professionals with close to 800 documents that can be understood broadly as peace agreements and related material. Users can access the full texts of the agreements in different languages and can use different search criteria, including searching by a number of different thematic issues.
IGO Search is brought to you by the Union of International Associations (UIA), which has been collecting information on international non-profit organizations since 1907.