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Who's Citing Me?: Web of Science

Searching Web of Science


Web of Science includes the Arts and Humanities Citation Index (1975-present), Social Sciences Citation Index (1965-present), and Science Citation Index Expanded (1965-present), but the sciences receive the most thorough coverage by far.

To complete a cited reference search:

  1. Click Cited References from the set of white tabs near the top. You can use the dropdown to search a DOI or other options, but we are going to use the most common example of searching by author. 
  2. Enter the Cited Author box with a last name followed by a first initial and an asterisk. Example: Jeff Doom as Doom J* . You can add more information or run your search with just the author information. 
  3. If you're looking for citations of articles published in a specific journal, book, or conference proceeding, enter that information in the second box. Abbreviated journal titles are preferred. 
  4. If desired, you can select a timespan to limit your search or other. 
  5. Click Search.
  6. On the next page, you'll see a list of articles published by anyone with the entered last name and first initial. Depending on how common the name is and how prolific the authors who share it have been, you may see only a few results or several pages of them. If you're overwhelmed by results, you might want to go back and limit your original search.
  7. Put checkmarks next to the articles you want to find references to. The Citing Articles field lets you know how many citing references will be returned for each one.
  8. Click See Results. Use the Citation Report or Analyze Results functions for more specifics and visuals. 


Web of Science Researcher Metrics

Use the Researcher tab in Web of Science to identify your impact metrics, including your H index. You will need to register for a new Publons account or sign into Publons using your Web of Science username and password. You can also create a citation report of your work.