The Government Documents Collection in the Jerome Library includes documents from the governments of the United States, Ohio, Bowling Green and Wood County. The boxes below include a sample of the government documents that might be useful for your projects. All of our government documents are cataloged, so you can use the BGSU Libraries catalog to find additional resources that would be useful.
To limit to print documents in the Catalog advanced search:
The Chicago Manual of Style provides some guidance on cititing government documents. The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citations is the preferred reference if the needed information on a particulary type of document is not specified.
Most government documents that are available in a tangible format, such as a book, pamphlet, CD, DVD, microfiche, microfilm, map, or poster, are found in the SE corner of the 1st floor in Jerome Library, behind the Learning Commons
United States government publications are arranged on the shelf by an alphanumeric system called the Superintendent of Documents Classification Scheme (SuDocs). Letters stand for the publishing agency, for instance
The numbers on the top line of the call number file differently than the Dewey or LC collections. The number following the period is a whole number NOT A DECIMAL. For instance, C3.9: is located before C3.44: and C3.44: is located before C3.223:
The number for a documents called Poverty in the U.S. was assigned the SuDocs classification number C 3.186/22:999. In this classification number:
Civil War: The U.S. Civil War long predates our government documents collection and as such there are limited offerings from the time period. There are many contemporary documents memorializing the Civil War. The defense documents on this topic are located in D114.2 C49/2
Tulsa Race Massacre: This event predates our collections and may not have received adaquate coverage at the time. There will be some statistical materials on Tulsa available as well as some later documents that may discuss the event. There are many digitized primary resources available from Oklahoma libraries and museums:
Second wave feminism/Women's liberation/Title IX: There should be many documents of interest from the government from this timeframe. A date limited search with relevant keywords (women, sex discrimination, equality, feminism, title ix) may identify several documents of interest.
American Revolution: Government Documents will include some reprints of primary sources from the American Revolution as well as retrospective publications memorializing the war.
Japanese Internment: The government documents collection includes some primary sources on this topic. The term used at the time would be war relocation.
Native American Civil Rights Movement: There will be some documents from the Commission on Civil Rights in our government documents collection. Recommend a date restricted search with search terms covering both Native American and American Indian.