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Clinical Mental Health and School Counseling Graduate Program: Finding Articles

Core Education Research Databases

Start with these essential databases. These are high-quality, subscription-only databases provided by the University Libraries. If you are using them off-campus, you will be asked for your email username and password.

Additional Databases

The University Libraries subscribe to more than 300 databases that cover many different disciplines. Because research topics may vary, be sure to browse through the other databases. You can do this by using the A-Z Databases list and select the pull-down to browse by ALL SUBJECTS. Here is a list of additional databases that are interdisciplinary:


Looking for a particular journal?

Want to know if we subscribe to a particular journal? The Journal By Title tool will tell you if we have it in print or electronic format and it gives you coverage dates too. You can also use this tools to browse by subject so you can explore the journals in your field. 


  1. Using the right keywords in a search tool can be tricky when you are new to a topic. Try using Google Scholar first. Enter your search terms and start reading the abstracts to look for other ways to express your concept. It's also a good idea to talk to your professor to see which search terms they suggest. 
  2. You may bump into publisher websites that ask you to pay for articles. Don't do this! Chances are we either have the article full text or you can request it through Interlibrary Loan which is a service we provide to you for free! The quickest way to find out if we have the full-text of an article is to put the article title into SUMMON. Don't forget to use quotation marks around the title. 
  3. Not finding what you need? We can give you suggestions for which databases to use. Contact your librarian or just Ask Us!