This is a guide to help you get started with your research for Dr. Coletta's POPC 1650. If you need assistance, my information is in the box to the right below.
Use Summon to find articles about a particular person! Just use quotes around their name and you should be good to go.
The best way to find information in Summon on particular individuals is to put their name in quotation marks.
Ex. "walt disney"
Ex. "walt disney" impact
Ex. "walt disney" influence
Ex. "walt disney" influence "whatever-their-industry"
A multidisciplinary, full-text database that includes scholarly journal articles on all subjects, as well as magazines, books, book chapters, reports, conference proceedings, and more.
Books and articles covering research in television and film.
An open access collection of alternative press material.
Over a thousand full-text scholarly journals and books covering all subjects in the humanities, sciences and social sciences. History, economics, art, literature, and mathematics are particularly strong. All journal titles are archived back to the first issue, many dating from the early 1800s. JSTOR now also hosts the complete ArtSTOR collection.
A streaming service for videos from major educational film producers and distributors.
Designed for public libraries, this database contains full text for popular magazines, reference works, and travel books.
A detailed index to journal articles, books, book chapters and dissertations published on subjects in modern languages, literatures, folklore, and linguistics.
Indexing for international music periodicals, including scholarly journals, covering music history, theory and performance, ethnomusicology, education, popular music, and the music industry.
Full-length, high quality video of contemporary performance of theater, dance, and music.
PollstarPro is a database of worldwide concert tour schedules, ticket sales results, music industry contact directories, trade news and specialized data services. Access to this resource is by password only. To obtain the password, log in to our resources site. Contact the Research and Information Desk for more information.
Index to articles published in the popular press between 1890 and 1982 from hundreds of magazines like Collier's, Harper's, The New Republic, Popular Science, and The Saturday Evening Post.
A database of photographs, images, manuscripts, rare printed material documenting the music, politics, fashion and youth culture in America and Great Britain from 1950-1975.
A complete, searchable archive of American Vogue, from the first issue in 1892 to the current month. Includes every article, cover, photo shoot, illustration and advertisement, with rich indexing enabling users to find images by designer and brand names.
An archival research resource comprising the full backfiles of leading women's interest consumer magazines.
A multidisciplinary, full-text database that includes scholarly journal articles on all subjects, as well as magazines, books, book chapters, reports, conference proceedings, and more.
Full-text biographies from 20 Marquis Who's Who publications, including Who's Who in America, Who Was Who in America, and Who's Who in the World.
Oxford Art Online includes the peer-reviewed, regularly updated Grove Art Online, The Benezit Dictionary of Artists, The Oxford Companion to Western Art, The Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, and The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms, providing access to thousands of articles spanning ancient to contemporary art and architecture, as well as images of works of art, structures, plans, and artist signatures.
Access limited to 3 users at a time.
Provides access to Grove Music Online, The Oxford Dictionary of Music, and The Oxford Companion to Music, with thousands of scholarly articles charting the diverse history and cultures of music around the globe. Limit of 5 simultaneous users.