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Media and Communication: Home

This is an information portal for the School of Media and Communication. Click on the tabs to get specific research information for each department.

Research Databases for Scholarly Articles in Media and Communication

Communication Association Journals

Recommended Journals Associated with the National Communication Association

·       Communication Monographs (1997-present)

·       Quarterly Journal of Speech (1997-present)

·       Journal of International and Intercultural Communication (2008-18 months ago)

·       Journal of Applied Communication Research (1997-present)

·       Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies (2004-18 months ago)

·       Communication Education (1997-present)

·       Critical Studies in Media Communication (2000-present)

·       Text and Performance Quarterly (1997-present)

 Recommended Journals Associated with the International Communication Association

·       Journal of Communication (1997-present)

·       Human Communication Research (2000-present)

·       Communication Theory (1999-present)

·       Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (2005-present)

·       Communication, Culture, & Critique (2008-present)

 Recommended Journals Associated with Some Regional Communication Associations

·       Communication Studies (1997-present) Central States Communication Association

·       Southern Communication Journal (1997-present) Southern States Communication Association

·       Communication Quarterly (1997-present) Eastern Communication Association

·       Qualitative Research Reports in Communication (2005-present) Eastern Communication Association

·       Communication Research Reports (1997-present) Eastern Communication Association

·       Western Journal of Communication (1997-present) Western States Communication Association

·       Communication Reports (1997-present) Western States Communication Association

·       Ohio Communication Journal (2006-present) Ohio Communication Association

Subject Guide

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Meli Taylor