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ARTH 3350: Art of the Italian Renaissance: Books & videos

Subject searching

Keyword searches are a good way to start, but subject searches can be more specific. To execute a subject search, choose "subject" from the drop-down menu in the catalog or a database. The Fashion Institute of Technology's Subject Guide for Art History & Fine Arts lists hundreds of subject terms appropriate for art historical research.

Subjects for Italian Renaissance art history include:

  • Art, Renaissance or Arts, Renaissance
  • Renaissance -- Italy
  • Medici House of
  • Sixteenth century
  • Fifteenth century

Specific media are also good subject words: painting, sculpture, altarpieces, bronze

Mix and match for the broadest search, for example: this search for subject: art / subject: Renaissance / subject: Italy.

To identify the subjects used to describe a book, look for the "subjects" that are listed at the bottom of the full record.

















Click on the headings to find more items with these subjects. You can use the same technique in the OhioLINK catalog and WorldCat.

Online videos

Video: Leonardo da Vinci: Mind of the Renaissance

Streaming videos on Renaissance art can be found in the OhioLINK Digital Commons and Kanopy. Here are a few.