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History: Hidden Figures and Events: Home


Books written for students in grades 5-12 are powerful tools to bring history to life. They are typically highly visual and they tend to focus on seldom known events or people in history. The titles below are separted by fiction/nonfiction and by middle grades/young adult. If you click on the image, you will find a brief summary of the book and where these are located in the CRC. I've pulled many of these titles and put them on a cart in the CRC if you want to come in and borrow a copy. Watch the video on this page to learn how to borrow these titles through another university library or through a public library. If you don't see a book that intersts you, consider setting up an appointment either in person or via Zoom with Colleen Boff (419.372.7909 / cboff @

The Model Curriculum for Social Studies created by the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce was used to guide the creation of this Guide. If you are looking for lesson plan ideas for how teach these books, be sure to search through for ideas. This is a database we subscribe to on behalf of BGSU students and faculty. You need to be affliated with the university to access this.



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