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Career and Internship Resources: Exploring Careers

Finding Books in the Catalog

BGSU Libraries Catalog / OhioLINK Central

Other books on this topic may be in the circulating collection. Use these links to find the books that are available at Bowling Green State University and also to identify resources in other OhioLINK libraries, some of which you may be able to borrow.

Some subject headings that may be useful:

The BGSU Libraries have purchased many books on job hunting in specific fields. You will find them listed in the BGSU Libraries Catalog by occupation with the subheading "Employment" or by subject with the subheading "Vocational Guidance". A few examples:

To search using these subject headings, first enter the catalog, then:

Good Places To Start

Chronicle Career Library Online

This database includes occupational information for more than 2,000 jobs.

Occupational Outlook Handbook

Contains comprehensive compilations of occupational information, job outlooks, and training and salary information.

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