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POPC 2900: Television as Popular Culture: Research Databases

Using Summon

The best way to find information in Summon or any database, really, on particular characters is to put their name in quotation marks.  For example: 

"bugs bunny"

"bugs bunny" impact 

"bugs bunny" influence

"bugs bunny" influence cultur*

  • this searches uses an asterisk after the "r" in cultural to truncate the word in order to find alternate endings to it like - culture, cultures, cultural

Biographical Databases

Research Databases to find television and film articles

Searching Summon for Biographical Information

Use Summon to find articles about a particular person!  Just use quotes around their name and you should be good to go.

Summon logo

Remote Access: What's Needed

Authentication for off-campus (remote) access requires:

  • Your BGSU username.
  • Your BGSU password.
  • Internet service and a web browser capable of accepting cookies.
  • A valid BSGU record in the library's patron database.  Students and classified staff may have to revalidate their records with the Circulation Desk each semester.  Faculty and administrative staff may have to revalidate at the end of every spring semester.  For more information, call the Circulation Desk at 419-372-2051 or email them at

Remote Access: Troubleshooting

When you have trouble connecting to the databases from off-campus, try one of the following options:

  • If you get messages that indicate that your 'record is not valid' or that there is a 'problem with your record,' please call the Jerome Library Circulation Desk at 419-372-2051 or toll free at 1-866-LIB-BGSU.
  • Use the Ask Us! link on the University Libraries homepage to connect with a librarian, using our instant messaging service.
  • Send an email to describing your problem in detail.  Please indicate the name of the database you are trying to access, the browser you're using and its version, any error message that you receive, and your internet service provider.
  • Call the Research & Information Desk at 419-372-6943 or toll free at 1-866-LIB-BGSU during desk hours.