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Public & Allied Health: Articles

Start With These Databases

Some Additional Useful Databases

Peer Review in 3 Minutes

This video is published under a Creative Commons 3.0 BY-NC-SA US license. 

Is It a Scholarly Journal?

Journals and Magazines This guide details the characteristics of each category.

Cabells Directories: Can be consulted to  identify an appropriate journal to send a manuscript for publication. Also lists elements of peer review, and publication details. Covers journals in business, education, health sciences, psychology and computer science.

Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory: Entries include information about whether the journal or magazine is a scholarly journal, consumer magazine, etc.

Instructions to Authors in the Health Sciences.  This database of author instructions for more than 3,500 periodicals will frequently say if the periodical is peer-reviewed. 

Research Databases:  Some allow you to limit your search to scholarly journals.  CINAHL allows you to limit your search to peer reviewed journals and indicates that an article is peer reviewed in the Journal Subset field when appropriate.  MEDLINE has indexed only scholarly journals since 1975.


Popular vs. Scholarly

Parts of a scholarly journal article

This video is from Bowman Library at Menlo College.