When searching for a specific score, recording, book or DVD, the most essential step any music library user must take is to designate the Material Type in the Library Catalog's Advanced Search menu:
Using this feature allows you narrow your search to ONE TYPE of item so you can browse through broad searches more easily, or improve the accuracy of refined search results.
Try these terms in a SUBJECT Search to find specific Trumpet and Horn scores:
Sample subject headings for solo trumpet music:
Sonatas (trumpet)
Suites (trumpet)
Variations (trumpet)
Trumpet music
Sample subject headings for music for trumpet and piano:
Rondos (trumpet and piano)
Sonatas (trumpet and piano)
Suites (trumpet and piano)
Variations (trumpet and piano)
Trumpet and piano music
Sample subject headings for duets:
Trumpet music (trumpets (2))
Trumpet and horn music
Sample subject headings for chamber ensembles:
Brass trios
Brass quartets
Brass quintets
Brass sextets
Brass octets
Subject headings for trumpet and orchestra:
Concertos (trumpet)
Concertos (trumpet) -- solo with piano
Trumpet with orchestra
Rondos (trumpet with orchestra)
To find books, recordings, or scores (printed music) by a specific composer, try an AUTHOR search of the individual's name (Last, First).
Or try a TITLE search of the composition or song.
Try these terms in a SUBJECT Search to find specific Trumpet and Horn books:
Trumpet -- Construction
Trumpet -- Instruction and study
Trumpet -- Methods
Trumpet players
Trumpet -- Studies and exercises
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