Start with these databases of electronic books when conducting research for your courses.
And remember, if you are using them off-campus, you will need to authenticate with your BGSU usernameand password.
The OhioLINK Electronic Book Center (EBC) contains full-text scholarly and reference books on numerous subjects, as well as full-text literary works in English. The Literature Collection contains thousands of full-text poems, plays, and prose works, including the complete works of William Shakespeare and William Butler Yeats.
The O'Reilly digital platform includes thousands of books, videos, proven learning paths, case studies, and audio books. Users have access to exclusive O’Reilly content as well as resources from hundreds of the world’s best known publishers. Topics include programming, IT networking, project management, graphic design, and business strategy. The platform also provides code snippets, certification preparation materials, practice exercises, training videos, and more. The O'Reilly platform does not provide options for printing or downloading.
You can download books using the free O´Reilly app - click here to learn more