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PCA/ACA and Popular Culture Studies at the BPCL: Journals, Books, and Conference Programs

A guide to resources related to the history of popular culture studies at the Browne Popular Culture Library, including but not limited to materials related to and produced by the PCA/ACA.

PCA/ACA Annual Conference Programs

PCA/ACA has held an annual joint conference celebrating popular culture studies since 1971. The programs for these annual conferences include information about the panels and presentations that took place at the conference. The conference programs offer a wealth of information about how popular culture studies have changed over the years.

The BPCL has PCA/ACA Annual Conference programs dating back to the 1970s.

PCA/ACA Regional Materials

See the list below for publications created by and pertaining to regional chapters of the PCA:

PCA Journals and Related Journals

The PCA/ACA has produced many newsletters and other periodicals that include regular updates about popular culture studies. The BPCL holds many periodicals related to popular culture studies, including some that are not published by the PCA/ACA.

Popular Press Publications

A small selection of books published by the BGSU Popular Press: