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20th Century American History With Teaching Resources

Getting Started

Knowing basic information about your topic is the first step of any history project. Encyclopedias and historical dictionaries are great places to start.

BGSU has many databases that you can use to find scholarly articles, however, the databases below are your best bet for finding History and Education related articles.

For a full list of Library Databases visit A-Z Databases.

When conducting your research, it is important for you to distinguish between journal articles and magazine articles. Databases are used to find and identify articles from peer-reviewed journals and other types of documents.

Journal articles are usually referred to as "scholarly," while magazine articles are commonly considered "popular."

Consider these points when differentiating between journals and magazines:

Criteria Scholarly Journal Popular Magazine/Blog/Online Publication
Audience Academics and/or Researchers, Professionals General Public
Authors Experts and/or Specialists Journalists and/or Freelance Writers
Editorial Review/Peer Review Journal Editorial Board and Peer Reviewers Professional Editors
Reference/Works Cited Yes Not always required or provided


Evaluating Scholarly Articles