Effective searching is usually an iterative process. One approach is to try a fairly simple search, quickly identify the best sources in your results based on those records and then adjust your search to identify similar results. Things to look for are wording, source type, subject headings, database, etc.
In addition to looking for useful things in your search results, identify the things that are decreasing the relevance of your results. Look for an option in the filters to just search the disciplines or subject databases relevant for your topic, use the boolean operator NOT to exclude words that you do not want in your results.
Quickly scanning your search results is an important skill that you can develop and grow. It's also useful in all information research, not just when you're searching library resources. Practice by scrolling through the first page of your search results before you click on any of your results. Look for the best results, identify alternate search terms and look for problems in your search. Think about how you may want to adjust your search to improve your results.
Index to articles in scholarly journals and conference proceedings from all fields of study, plus the ability to search these articles' bibliographies by cited author or work. Links to full text are included where possible.
Thoughout your search process you are likely to want to track down the full text of articles that you saw cited in other sources. Here is my recomendation for locating the full text:
From the Library home page;