Welcome to this research guide! I am a librarian on our social sciences team and support the departments of political science and sociology and the school of media and communication. I am happy to work with you to create a plan for searching your topic. Please reach out to me if I can be of assistance.
Search the BGSU library catalog alongside the vast majority of our journal content at one time using Summon. Find and link to full text articles in scholarly journals and newspapers, ebooks, and images.
Access to all of the EBSCO databases which the library subscribes to, including our most heavily-used database, Academic Search Complete. Browse a list of all EBSCO databases or use the link above to search them all at the same time. You can also connect to EBSCO then click on "Choose Databases" to link to specific EBSCO databases.
Over a thousand full-text scholarly journals and books covering all subjects in the humanities, sciences and social sciences. History, economics, art, literature, and mathematics are particularly strong. All journal titles are archived back to the first issue, many dating from the early 1800s. JSTOR now also hosts the complete ArtSTOR collection.
Indexing and abstracts for thousands of leading political science journals published around the world.
Index to scholarly publications in sociology, covering topics such as criminal justice, marriage and family, social work, substance abuse, and violence.
Indexing, abstracts and full text for journal, magazine, and newspaper articles on LGBTQ+ topics and issues.
Books and articles covering research in television and film.