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Health & Physical Education (PreK-12): Finding PreK-12 Literature in the CRC

PreK-12 Titles

My health / Kirsty Holmes

Search for CRC Materials

Advanced Search

Search Tips

Look at the Ohio Department of Education content standards to get ideas for specific keywords to use when searching for books written for children. 

Here are a few subject heading searches to try within the CRC catalog:

Try using a combination of keyword searching. Some examples include:

  • sports and fiction
  • sports and nonfiction
  • basketball and fiction
  • eating disorders 
  • mental health and fiction

Children's Literature Comprehensive Database

We subscribe to the Children's Literature Comprehensive Database at BGSU so that our users may search for juvenile literature based on a child's age, grade, or reading level. There are other ways to search this database. Click on the icon below to access the CLCD. A BGSU email user name and password is required. Guests may use it while they are in Jerome Library.

Children's Literature Comprehensive Database

Search for book suggestions using keywords and limit by genre, grade level, age level, reading level and more.

CLCD Search Screen

Searching for Fiction and Nonfiction at the CRC

To conduct a general search for fiction in the CRC catalog regardless of age or grade level, combine a keyword with "juvenile fiction" (race relations "juvenile fiction").

keyword race relations "juvenile fiction"

To conduct a general search for nonfiction in the CRC catalog regardless of age or grade level, combine a keyword with "juvenile literature" (space exploration "juvenile literature").

keyword space exploration "juvenile literature"

Children's Literature Comprehensive Database