While databases like JSTOR contain full text, many other databases only contain descriptions of articles. Here's how to get to full text when it's not in the database you're searching:
Click on the "Find it!" button
If there is full text in another database, you will be taken to the article in that database.
If we have the journal in print, you will see the catalog record with its location.
If there is not a link to full text, there will be a link to Interlibrary Loan. You will sign in to the BGSU Single Sign On using your BGSU username and password. The article's information will be filled in for you. Simply hit the "submit" button to request a copy of the article!
ILL requests for articles and book chapters are often filled very quickly, because libraries usually scan the articles and deliver them to you online as a pdf.
Search the full text of many journals at once for the most efficient way to find articles on a particular artist or subject. These are the best to start with.
Newspapers contain profiles, exhibition reviews, obituaries, and more. Pay close attention to coverage dates for online newspapers! To find a specific newspaper by title, use the "Journals by Title" link under "Search & Find" on the library's home page.