Video Art since 1995
Browse or search within over 1,800 images of or related to video art created since 1995 in ARTstor. Still from Regenfrau, Pipilotti Rist, 1998-99.
Bill Viola
Browse 53 images of and about work by Bill Viola in ARTstor. Still from The Messenger, 1996.
ARTstor is a database of over a million high-quality digital images. To access it, go to the Libraries' home page and type "ARTstor" into the search box in the center of the page.
To browse images of video installations, choose "Classification" under "Browse" on the ARTstor landing page.
Next, double-click on "Film, Audio, Video and Digital Art." You will be able to browse or search within a group of over 5,100 images with this classification.
Search By Artist
Type an artist's name as a keyword, or go to the Advanced Search and choose "Creator" from the dropdown menu. You can also limit by date, geography, and classification from the advanced search screen.
You can also access ARTstor by choosing "All Databases" on the Libraries' home page and using the A-Z links to find it by title, or by returning to this or one of our other LibGuides for art students. Once in the database, create an account if you want to download and save images.
Gary Hill, Viewer, 1996. Image from Media Art Net.
Explore these important contemporary art museum websites for more exposure to the work of contemporary artists:
Image of Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen's Spoonbridge with Cherry (1985-88, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis) courtesy Deadly Tedly.
Videorama: Artclips from Austria
a/v N6498.V53 V53 2009, Jerome Library 1st floor
The libraries have a fairly small collection of videos related to new media art. To find them, limit an advanced search in our catalog to Material Type: Audiovisual.
Many more items are available to request through the OhioLINK catalog. Limit your advanced search to "Video recordings only" in order to find audiovisual materials.