Have you found a relevant article? Try one or more of the suggestions below to determine if the author(s) of that article have published additional relevant articles.
Scholars and experts tend to devote their professional careers to one or two specializations, which may change over time. They study specific subtopics or develop and practice specific skills on a daily basis. They also find ways to share that expertise with their peers to further the conversation in the field. It stands to reason, then, that if you find one source published by an expert, you may find additional sources published by the same person.
In the record (description) for each article, the author's name may be hyperlinked. Clicking on their name will take you to other articles published by that author. Look through that list for other relevant articles. Keep in mind that the author's entire body of work may exist in spaces other than EBSCO.
Search for an author's name in Google Scholar (scholar.google.com). If they have created a profile in Google Scholar, it will appear at the top of the results list. Click on their profile to get a list of their publications.
The author may have a web site and/or a curriculum vitae (CV), or academic resume, listing their accomplishments and other publications. Check their publications for others dealing with your research question.
You can then check the library web site for access to those sources through BGSU.