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SOWK 2200: Diversity, Oppression, and Social Justice: Home

This guide contains information about the research process to support the diversity project and cultural humility reflection paper



There are two library/research skills necessary for completing these assignments:

1. use a research database to find articles about your diversity project topic and/or for your cultural humility assignment

2. use the library web site to access specific articles from the reference list on your cultural humility reflection assignment

How do I use research databases to search for articles?

1. Develop a search strategy. Select keywords with which you can search for articles about your topic. What are the main concepts that need to be included in the article?

2. Combine each concept with AND or OR

3. Select a library database.

3a. For the diversity project, I recommend:

3b. For the cultural humility reflection assignment, I recommend using Social Work Abstracts or SocINDEX (linked below).

Alternatively, you can access these databases from the library home page. Select the "all databases" link underneath the search box and select one of these databases from the alphabetical list.

How do I get the full text of a source in EBSCO?

The phrase "Find it!" in blue text, just as it appears in EBSCO databases

If you don't see the PDF or HTML full text of the article, use the "Find it" link on the left. One of the following scenarios may happen after clicking on "Find it"; the link will:

  • take you directly to the article at the publisher's web site
  • take you to the publisher's web site, where you may need to search again for the article title
  • OR, you may find that we do not have a subscription for the article. In that case, you can request the article through a process called Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

How do I access the articles in the reference list on the cultural humility reflection assignment?

Follow these steps

Author's Last Name, Author's First Initial. Author's Middle Initial. (Year, Month/Date/Season). Title of article. Title of Journal/Magazine,                          Volume(Issue), Page(s). https://doi:xx.xxxxxxx

  1. First, you may need to know the parts of an article citation (in APA style) in order to identify the journal in which the article was published.
  2. Next, begin at the BGSU Libraries home page [linked below] and select the "Journals by title" link underneath the search box.
  3. Search for the title of the journal in which the article was published.
  4. If BGSU has a subscription, you will see one or more options for accessing the journal. Below these, you will see a search box to "search inside this journal".
  5. Type the first four or five words of the article title into the search box.
  6. A new window will pop up with your search results. Find the result that matches the article title (if more than one result appears).
  7. Click on "full text online" OR "direct link to PDF" to access the full text of the article.

If you follow these steps and you are unable to find the article, try following these instructions:

  1. Follow steps 1-3 above.
  2. If BGSU has a subscription, you will see one or more options for accessing the journal. Each link for access include the dates covered.
  3. Select the option that matches the day, month, and year and/or the volume and issue number in which the article was published.
  4. Continue to drill down to the volume and issue number you need. When you get to the issue, your article title will be part of the list of all articles published in that issue.


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Maureen Barry
152 Jerome Library

SOWK 2200 Survey