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See criteria # 6 in the 2005 article by Finn, P.; Bothe, AK; and Bramlett, RE.
Need to find out about a specific journal?
Finding information about a journal can be done by searching in Journals by Title from the library homepage. It will show a graduation cap icon.
It is linked to Ulrich's Directory below.
Ulrich’s or Cabell's databases discuss the details of a journal, it's purpose and scope, the review process, manuscript acceptance rate, etc.
You can also try finding the journal home page (try a Google search) and looking for the About section.
Information about journals and magazines, including whether they are considered scholarly publications.
There will be several questions on your assignment connected to the following two editorials.
The organization sense-about-science provides several publications that you may find beneficial. Each of the following links, connects to a webpage with a PDF link, that allows you to download the PDF publication.
I Don't Know What to Believe: US version