If the book you are searching for is unavailable at BGSU because we do not own it or it is checked out - don't despair. We have other options available.
A digital archive for the collections of major American research libraries. Includes records for millions of items, many of which can be searched full text.
Remember: if you are stuck or just don't know where to start - you can make an individual research appointment with a reference librarian for help.
There are several ways to get books at the library and the best place to start is the library catalog.
If you're conducting a literature review or struggling to locate relevant sources for a research project, you may want to use a research strategy called citation chaining to help find sources related to your topic. Citation chaining is a method by which you trace an idea or topic both forward and backward in time either by sources that have cited a particular work or through the references that a particular work has cited. This can be done with books and scholarly articles.
There are two typed of citation chaining that you can use:
Backward Chaining
Backward chaining involves looking at a published work's references to find other material that covers similar topics.
Once you find an article or book relevant to your research topic, the references or works cited section will give you the citation information the author(s) used to develop their own ideas. This is a great way to find other sources that relate to your topic.
To find these sources, you will simply take the title of an source from the reference list and search them in the BGSU Library Catalog or Summon.
Resources cited in your article
Forward Chaining
Forward chaining involves researching the sources that have cited a particular work to find more recent material covering similar topics.
Google Scholar is a great choice for conducting this kind of chaining. To use Google Scholar follow the below steps:
1. To begin, search for your item in Google Scholar using words from the title, the author, etc.
2. Beneath each result, you will see a link that says 'Cited by ...' and a number. Look carefully, as there may be more than one result matching your search.
3. Clicking on "Cited by ..." will bring up a list of citing documents in Google Scholar. These are arranged with the most highly cited works at the top. To locate a copy of these works, you can look for [PDF] links on the right, or links to Find it @ BGSU to the right or below each citation.
Resources that cite your article