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Native American Creatives: Mary Kathryn Nagle (October 2022)


Thursday, October 13 at 5:30 p.m. in the Donnell Theater


Spirit Rangers Show
Native creative, Mary Kathryn Nagle (attorney and playwright) tweets about a new Netflix series for children.

Mary Kathryn Nagle

Mary Kathryn Nagle is a playwright and a partner at Pipestem Law, a firm specializing in tribal sovereignty of Native nations and peoples. She was born in Oklahoma City, OK, and is an enrolled citizen of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma.

Mary Kathryn Nagle's Facebook

Mary Kathryn Nagle's Twitter @MKNAGLE



Deer, S., & Nagle, M. K. (2018). Return to Worcester: Dollar General and the restoration of tribal jurisdiction to protect native women and children. Harvard Journal of Law & Gender, 41(1), 179.

Huston-Findley, S. A. (2019). Sovereignty by Mary Kathryn Nagle, and: Jefferson’s garden by Timberlake Wertenbaker (review). Theatre Journal, 71(1), 91-94. 

Nagle, M. K. (2009). Abortion post-Glucksberg and post-Gonzales: Applying an analysis that demands equality for women under the law. Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy, 16(2), 293.

Nagle, M. K. ( 22 Feb 2015). Native voice on the American stage: A constituional crisis. Howlround Theatre Commons

Nagle, M. K. & Goodwin, R. (28 May 2018). Decolonizing creation processes by reclaiming narratives/reclamando nuestras narratives: El giro decolonial en el proceso creativo. Howlround Theatre Commons

Pollack-Pelzner, D. (8 April 2021). Mary Kathryn Nagle changes the story, in court and onstage. The New Yorker


Web Sources

In 2015, Nagle curated a series of essays by Native, Indigenous, and First Nations theatre and performance creatives for Howlround Theatre Commons. 

In 2018, the Oregon Shakespeare Festival staged the world premiere of Nagle’s play, Manahatta. Here is a link to OSF’s webpage on the production, which includes interviews with the playwright, production photos, a trailer, dramaturgical information, and more.

This Land podcast

Justice for Kaysera

Indian Child Welfare Act (Haaland v. Brakeen)

Additional Resources