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Theatre and Performance Studies: Search Suggestions

For those needing information on theatre and performance studies resources

Suggestions for keyword searches

Remember to search under theatre, theater, or theat* (for more information about searching options, see the Tips box to the left).

Avant-garde Theatre:
Keywords - alternative theatre, experimental theatre, marginal theatre, performance art, multimedia, multimedia performance

Political Theatre:
Keywords - activist theatre, activism and theatre, agitprop theatre, political plays, theatre and religion, theatre and state, workers theatre

Theatre and identity:
Keywords - theatre and . . . ethnicity, gender, queer theory, race, sexuality, women

Theatre practice:
Keywords - acting, arts management, choreography, costume design, dance, directing, lighting design, movement, playwriting, puppetry, scene design, scenic design, sound design, stage design, stage management, technical theatre

Theory and criticism:
Keywords - theatre and . . . deconstruction, feminism, materialism, phenomenology, post-colonialism, postmodernism, post-structuralism, psychoanalysis, reader response, reception, semiotics

World Theatre:
Search by country or continent
Keywords - world theatre, non-western theatre, Noh, kabuki, Sanskrit, Jewish theatre, Hebraic theatre